Millions Of Zombie Crabs Migrate Across Cuba In Unprecedented Swarm

Each year, zombie crabs make their way from their hiding spots to the Cuban ocean to spawn. It’s a long and dangerous journey that many of the crabs don’t survive.

However, things are noticeably different this year. In the Bay of Pigs, reports of an unprecedented swarm of zombie crabs have been noted.

Zombie crabs, more officially known as Gecarcinus ruricola, are normally spotted in Cuba but usually in much smaller numbers.

Photo: flickr/Rain Rannu

Both the size of the crabs and their numbers have reportedly grown astronomically.

According to The Sun, the population boom is thought to be tied to COVID and the lack of cars on the roads over the past 2 years. Because of the crabs’ migratory path to the Cuban sea, they were often killed by cars.

Photo: flickr/Charlie Jackson

Reuters reported that the hypothesis hasn’t been confirmed by research yet, but one scientist believes that COVID is the reason for the unusual number of crabs.

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He said: “We have observed that the migrations have had an unusually high density of crabs,” Aguilar told Reuters. “It is very likely that the crab populations have recovered and that is why there is such a strong migration now.”

Photo: flickr/Jan Hazevoet

“There was very little traffic, and very little tourism. There are more crabs now than there have been in many years,” local Angel Iraola said, according to EuroNews.

While more research will need to be done to determine the reason for the crabs’ unusual population boom, it’s good to see a species thriving.

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