10 Most Beautiful Winged Insects – Who Says Bugs Are Icky?

5. Sylphina Angel

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Ssola
Also found in Central and South America, the sylphina angel lives up to its name. Like the glasswinged butterfly, this butterfly has transparent sections on its wings, while also boasting hues of blue, red, white, or green. It begins its life on the underside of a leaf, and as an adult, can be found mud-puddling, or drinking the water in mud puddles.

4. Regal Moth

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Kadoka1
The regal moth, also known as the royal walnut moth, has orange-and-gray wings with yellow spots. Its body is orange and yellow, and its wingspan can be as long as 15 centimeters. The moth, which is found in the eastern parts of the United States, only lives for about a week as an adult. It begins its life as a fierce-looking caterpillar, which is called a hickory horned devil, and has a turquoise body complete with blue-and-orange “horns” on its head. The caterpillar can grow to be 15 centimeters long, or roughly the size of a hot dog. Despite its fierce appearance, the caterpillar is harmless.

3. Luna Moth

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Megan McCarty
The luna moth is one of the largest moths in North America, with a wingspan of nearly 5 inches. Its elegant, bright green wings give this moth an otherworldly look. As a common prey of bats, the luna moth has an interesting way of evading its predator: it protects itself by spinning the tails of its wings to disorient the bat and fly away.

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